Edukacioni centar


Tržni centar "Sajam" u Leskovcu je jedan od najnovijih projekata u ovom gradu, a svojim karakterističnim oblikom - koji podseća na tradicionalnu šajkaču, izdvaja se iz ostalih tržnih centara u
The "Vučje" hydropower plant on the Vučjanka River is the second longest-lived in Serbia, and it still produces electricity today, as it did throughout the century, except during the Second
In the center of Leskovac, in the part known as Široka čaršija, there is a building with a clear European influence - Kaloderma Palace. This building was named after a
On Oslobođenja Boulevard in Leskovac is the old Šop-Đokić house, which is an example of civil architecture of the 19th century. Today, it houses the Tourist Organization of Leskovac.
U podnožju brda Hisar, između puta za selo Jajina i puta za Svetilisko groblje, nalazi se neobičan i značajan spomenik - Memorijalni park - Spomen park Revolucije. Ova prelepa oaza
Leskovac and Vlasotince, towns on South Morava, hide great potential for wine tourism. Mitrović Winery, located on the eastern edge of Leskovac, is one of the more serious wine producers
Kuća Bore Dimitrijevića Piksle je spomenik kulture u Leskovcu, koja je izgrađena 1850. godine i danas se naziva Gradska kuća. Ova kuća je nekada pripadala porodici Dimitrijević, koju su činili
The National Museum in Leskovac is an institution that collects, preserves, documents, studies and presents historical and artistic works collected in the territory of southern Serbia. It was founded in
The Odžaklija Church is a unique religious building in the Balkans, with a narrow door so that the Ottomans could not enter with horses, which they normally did. Its symbol
Hisar je arheološki lokalitet smešten na granici dolina reka Jablanice i Veternice, u blizini Leskovca, koji je naseljavan još od praistorije do danas i predstavlja obronke planine Goljak. Na ovom
Leskovachki karneval je manifestacija koja se održava od 2006. godine sa ciljem da se oživi sećanje na uskršnje povorke koje su se tridesetih godina prošlog veka kretale ulicama Leskovca. Danas
Ova manifestacija predstavlja jedan od najvećih i najpoznatijih festivala roštilja u svetu, a tokom njenog sedmodnevnog trajanja, Leskovac postaje pravo mesto za sve gurmane koji žele da probaju pravi leskovački
Caričin Grad is an impressive early Byzantine city located in the south of Serbia, in the valley between the Jablanica and Pusta reka rivers, 30 km southwest of Leskovac. Most
The shopping center "Sajam" in Leskovac is one of the newest projects in this city, and with its characteristic shape - reminiscent of a traditional šajkača, it stands out from
At the foot of Hisar hill, between the road to the village of Jajina and the road to the Svetili cemetery, there is an unusual and significant monument - Memorial

Vesti i događaji

Ekskurzija u Kragujevcu

U okviru programa Stariji brat - Starija sestra je organizovana

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Škola Života

U aprilu su održane radionice na temu aktivnog učestvovanja u

Škola Života

Tokom marta meseca, 12oro dece, uključujući jednog dečaka i 11