Edukacioni centar


Leskovac Cultural Center (LKC) is a cultural institution in Leskovac that organizes programs in the fields of culture and art. He is the founder of significant events such as "October
Sports and recreation center Dubočica was founded in 1983 and since then has been providing services to citizens and athletes for competitive, training and recreational activities in sports facilities. The
The restaurant "Tomina priča" is located near Leskovac, in the town of Pečenjevac, where the famous Serbian folk singer Toma Zdravković was born. This bohemian restaurant is an authentic gathering
Sportsko rekreativni centar Dubočica osnovan je 1983. godine i od tada pruža usluge građanima i sportistima za takmičarske, trenažne i rekreativne aktivnosti u sportskim objektima. Ustanova za sport i fizičku
The General Hospital in Leskovac is one of the largest health care institutions in southeastern Serbia, which provides health care to residents of the city of Leskovac and surrounding municipalities.
Capitol Park Leskovac is the fourth Poseidon Group retail park in Serbia and the first modern retail park in this city, opened on May 9, 2019. This retail complex serves
Gimnazija Leskovac is a school with a long history of education dating back to 1879, when it was founded on the initiative of the head of the Ministry of Education,
Restoran "Tomina priča" se nalazi nadomak Leskovca, u mestu Pečenjevcu gde je rođen poznati srpski pevač narodne muzike Toma Zdravković. Ovaj boemski restoran predstavlja autentično mesto za okupljanje ljubitelja dobre
The Church Svete Trojice in Leskovac is an Orthodox shrine that stands out for its style and beauty. It was built between the two world wars in less than 10
The canyon of the river Vučjanka is one of the most beautiful natural attractions of the municipality of Leskovac, located 18 km southwest of Leskovac. This canyon stretches through the
The Leskovac basin is a spatial valley in the south of Serbia, which includes the territory of the municipality of Leskovac. This basin covers an area of about 2250 km²,
Opšta bolnica u Leskovcu je jedna od najvećih zdravstvenih ustanova u jugoistočnoj Srbiji, koja pruža zdravstvenu zaštitu stanovnicima grada Leskovca i okolnih opština. Bolnica pruža usluge iz različitih oblasti medicine,
Capitol Park Leskovac je četvrti po redu ritejl park Poseidon grupe u Srbiji i prvi moderan ritejl park u ovom gradu, otvoren 9. maja, 2019. godine. Ovaj maloprodajni kompleks opslužuje
Gimnazija Leskovac je škola sa dugom istorijom obrazovanja koja datira još od 1879. godine, kada je osnovana na inicijativu načelnika Ministarstva prosvete Milana Milićevića. Kroz godine, škola je pretrpela brojne
Leskovac got its first modern Aqua park. This magnificent complex with a wave pool, water children's playground, slide-pool and a pool with sea waves is the property of the Stojanović

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