Hotel and restaurant ABC in Leskovac is an ideal destination for business travelers and tourists who want to enjoy top-quality food and accommodation in the city center. The restaurant ABC Leskovac started operating in 1995, and since May 2010 it has been located in a new location, in the very center of the city of Leskovac. The restaurant is located at the reception level, on the first floor of the ABC Hotel, but is open to both hotel guests and non-hotel guests.
Restaurant ABC Leskovac has a unique ambience and a relaxed atmosphere that represents an unusual combination of modern, elegant and urban style. The restaurant is located in the central park of the city of Leskovac, surrounded by greenery, which gives guests the opportunity to relax and enjoy top-quality food and drinks with a beautiful view of the surrounding greenery. The restaurant’s menu offers a variety of Serbian cuisine, as well as international specialties, and the top quality of food and service is something that is recognized by both critics and guests.
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